Kia Tipu Te Ao Mārama

March 1, 2021

The Southern Initiative and Tokona Te Raki operate in complex organisations and contexts drawing upon extensive collaborations with the community and other partners. Like most systems change initiatives, The Southern Initiative and Tokona te Raki focus on experimenting with ‘what it takes’ to make a change, prototyping evidence-based insights, growing and modelling new ways of working that value whānau centric outcomes.


Recent Reports

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Kōkirihia December 6, 2022 — Streaming
The plan for removing streaming from our schools includes the whakapapa of streaming to grow awareness of the issue, showcase alternatives, and outline the actions the key agencies have committed to, to ensure the end goal of removing streaming from our schools.

Ngā Tapuae Full Report September 1, 2021
Understanding Māori learners’ experiences of transitions between kura, tertiary study, and training and employment.

Ngā Tapuae aims to effect systems change in the education sector that will result in equitable outcomes for future generations of rangatahi.